Electrical Energy Transformation Examples

Numerous works are done with the help of electricity. With the help of electricity fans run, lights turn on, and trains run. Electricity is essential energy in factories. So electricity is a kind of energy.

Following are some important Electrical energy transformation examples.

Electrical Energy Transformation Examples

Electrical Energy Transformation Examples

Conversion of electrical energy to other energy:

Electrical energy to Heat energy

When an electric current is passed through an electric heater or iron, the wire of the heater or iron becomes very hot. So, Electrical energy to Heat energy transformation occurs in an electric iron or electric heater.

Electrical energy to Mechanical energy

Passing current through an electric fan causes the fan to rotate. In this case, electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy. So, Electrical energy to Mechanical energy transformation occurs in a ceiling fan.

Electrical energy to Light energy

When current is passed through an electric bulb, the bulb burns to produce light. In this case, electrical energy is converted into light energy.

Electrical energy to Chemical energy

When electricity is passed through an electrolytic substance, the substance undergoes electrolysis to produce new substances. In this case, electrical energy is converted into chemical energy.

Electrical energy to Sound energy

Electrical energy is converted into sound energy in telephone receivers, televisions, radios and electric bells.

Electrical energy Transformation to Magnetic energy

An iron or steel bar wrapped with insulated copper wire and passing a current through the wire turns the bar into a magnet. In this case, electric energy is converted into magnetic energy

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