Heat Energy Conversion Examples

Various functions are performed with the help of heat. Engines run by turning water into steam with heat. So, heat is a form of energy.

Again, the heat generated by the combustion of diesel and petrol is used to run automobiles and aeroplanes. Following are some important Heat energy conversion examples.

Heat Energy Conversion Examples

Heat Energy Conversion Examples

The transformation of heat energy to other energy

Heat energy to Mechanical energy

The heat obtained by burning coal converts water into steam to run an engine. In this case, heat energy is converted into mechanical energy.

Heat energy to Electrical energy

If two ends of a copper wire and an iron wire are joined together and one end is cooled and the other is heated, current flows through them. In this case, heat energy is converted into electrical energy.

Heat energy to Light energy

When a thin platinum wire is heated very much, the wire emits bright light. In this case, heat energy is converted into light energy.

Heat energy Conversion to Sound energy

A hissing sound can be heard from any liquid when heated too much. In this case, heat energy is converted into sound energy.

Heat energy to Chemical energy

Heating potassium chlorate yields potassium chloride and oxygen. In this case, heat energy is converted into chemical energy.

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