What is Energy Crisis?

The ability to do work is called energy. Most activities in modern life require energy.

For comfort and convenience, we consume energy in the form of fossil fuels, electricity, and firewood.

What is Energy Crisis?

What is Energy Crisis?

Along with the advancement of civilization, the demand for energy is increasing enormously. Growing population and massive industrialization require a huge supply of energy in various fields, namely agriculture, transport, defence, domestic work, and factories. This huge energy demand is being met from conventional sources of energy as well as from non-renewable sources of energy such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

But the enormous rate at which energy is being harvested from these sources is depleting their reserves. It is expected that these conventional and non-renewable sources will be exhausted in the next 100 years or so. Then the world will face a deep crisis. This is the energy crisis.

How to Prevent Energy Crisis?

As conventional energy sources are non-renewable, the dependence on these energy sources should be reduced to some extent and emphasis should be placed on harvesting energy from non-conventional energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy etc. Along with this, the currently obtained energy should be used for the sake of the need without wasting it unnecessarily.

Also, Read

Different forms of Energy

Different forms of Energy

Energy Transformation

Energy Transformation

Law of Conservation of Energy

Law of Conservation of Energy

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